Cymru-Gwlad Belg: Sylwadau @BelgoFoot / Wales-Belgium: @BelgoFoot’s observations
Roedd @BelgoFoot – newyddiadurwr o Loegr, John Chapman, sy’n byw yng Ngwlad Belg – yn garedig i rhannu’i feddyliadau am y gêm gyda ni ar bodlediad #13 yn yr wythnos cyn y gêm anferthol. Darparodd e sawl o fewnwelediadau diddorol gyda ni: disgwyliadau y cyfryngau a chefnogwyr Belgaidd (“they expect to win; and to win big”); potensiwl chwaraewyr ifainc Gwlad Belg fel Radja Nainngolan a Jason Denayer; a dolenni Marc Wilmots â Schalke a’i effaith ar y tîm.
Yng Nghaerdydd oedd e am y gêm, ac roedd e’n trydaru yn ei ystod. Dyma Storify gyda’i sylwadau:
@BelgoFoot – Belgium-based, English journalist John Chapman – kindly shared his thoughts with us in podcast #13 in the week’s run-up to the huge game. He provided several interesting insights: Belgian media and fans’ expectations (“they expect to win; and to win big”); the potential of young Belgian players Radja Nainngolan and Jason Denayer; the impact of Marc Wilmots’ links with Schalke on the team.
He was in Cardiff for the game and was tweeting throughout. Here’s a Storify of his observations: