Ep.158 – Armenia/Türkiye preview
Leon and Russell look ahead to the final internationals of the 2022/23 season: at home to Armenia, away to Türkiye. They discuss the returns to the squad for Brennan Johnson, Ben Davies and David Brooks; the return to the coaching set-up for psychologist Ian Mitchell; a £30m bid for Johnson; and ask ‘Who the hell is Joe Low?!’
Mae Leon a Russell yn edrych ymlaen at gemau rhyngwladol olaf y tymor 2022/23: gartre yn erbyn Armenia, oddi gartre yn Nhwrci. Maen nhw’n sgyrsio dychwleyd Brennan Johnson, Ben Davies a David Brooks i’r garfan; dychwelyd y seicolegydd Ian Mitchell i’r tîm hyfforddi; cais £30m am Johnson; a gofyn ‘Pwy yn uffern yw Joe Low?!’